
News Archive

In early June, Laurel Saito of the University of Nevada, Reno spearheaded the WC-WAVE Interdisciplinary Modeling Course in Boise, Idaho. Boise State University welcomed students from Idaho, Nevada, and New Mexico for the course that was funded by the WC-WAVE grant. Boise State has a full report of the course up on their website—the following is an excerpt from that report, written by Kathleen Tuck.
Educators from seven different New Mexico Informal Science Education Network (NM ISE Net) institutions supported the 2015 Energize New Mexico Teacher Professional Development Institute in Farmington at the beginning of June. Twenty-two elementary and middle school teachers representing three school districts gathered at the Farmington Museum for a five-day workshop to learn about energy and connections to literacy and assessment. The course was based on WestEd’s Making Sense of Science Energy course with some additional material about New Mexico’s energy resources.
Our STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) welcomes 15 students to the NM EPSCoR community this week at New Mexico Tech. These students will be working for the next eight weeks on research at the main campuses of New Mexico State University, New Mexico Tech, and University of New Mexico.
DataONE welcomes the NM EPSCoR as the 28th Member Node to join the federation. NM EPSCoR and DataONE have a long history of collaboration. The development of a Tier 4 Member Node at EPSCoR enhances the partnership by providing another replication target for other Member Nodes in the federation and increasing visibility of NM EPSCoR’s holdings to a broader audience.
In early May, NM EPSCoR sponsored a Software Carpentry Workshop at UNM. Software Carpentry is a volunteer organization whose goal is to make scientists more productive, and their work more reliable, by teaching them basic computing skills. This example-driven two-day workshop taught core computing skills to help participants be more productive and effective, alternating short tutorials with hands-on practical exercises. Participants were encouraged to help one another and to apply what learned to their own research problems during the workshop.