RIO-NM logo with teal abstract cyber connections background


Research Infrastructure Optimization for New Mexico (RIO-NM)

RIO-NM aims to positively impact New Mexico’s research ecosystem by 1) investing in higher education institutions to build cyberinfrastructure capacity and to strengthen research pathways, and 2) nurturing connections between and among ecosystem stakeholders across higher education, national laboratories, industry, non-profit organizations, and government. We envision a future in which all of New Mexico’s two- and four-year colleges and universities are engaged in the state's research ecosystem to drive innovation, create economic opportunities, and foster talent for the science and technology workforce.

Project Details

  • $8 million
  • 2024 to 2028
  • PI: Ganesh Balakrishnan, NM EPSCoR/UNM
  • Co-PIs
    • Jason Arviso, NTU
    • Lorie Liebrock, NMT
    • Patricia Sullivan, NMSU
    • Philip Lister, CNM
  • National Science Foundation (NSF) award #OIA-2435071

RIO-NM is organized around three cores: Cyberinfrastructure Core, Research Pathways Core, and Administrative Core.

The Cyberinfrastructure Core (CI Core) will build research cyberinfrastructure capacity at New Mexico’s higher education institutions, including promotion of robust connectivity, access to research platforms, and the discovery and utilization of shared research CI resources, e.g., high performance computing.

CI Core pilot projects:

  • NTU: Research Cyberinfrastructure Pilot
  • NMT: AI-driven Research Development   

The Research Pathway Core (Pathways Core) will connect researchers, faculty, and students at New Mexico’ higher education institutions with resources and programs.

Pathways Core pilot projects:

  • CNM: BioBridge Project
  • NMSU: STEM Fellows    

The Administrative Core (Admin Core) will administer the RIO-NM project to promote excellence and ensure compliance with funder and institutional policies.