September 18, 2024

Now is the Time to Apply for NSF Funding

By Brittney Van Der Werff


The 2022 CHIPS and Science Act mandated the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) increase funding to EPSCoR states from ~13% in 2022 to 20% by 2029. This substantial increase presents a golden opportunity for higher education institutions in New Mexico to secure vital research support. There have been many updates to NSF EPSCoR programs in 2023, so we’ve put together a guide to (1) NSF solicitations targeting EPSCoR states and (2) NSF EPSCoR program funding opportunities.

1. Solicitations Targeting EPSCoR States and EPSCoR-themed Programs

The dramatic increase in funding to EPSCoR states necessitates NSF to employ funding channels beyond their existing EPSCoR program, so many NSF directorates have released Dear Colleague Letters and EPSCoR-themed programs encouraging researchers in EPSCoR states to submit proposals to their existing programs. 

For example, the NSF Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) has emphasized its commitment to broadening participation by explicitly mentioning EPSCoR institutions as target applicants for certain funding opportunities in multiple Dear Colleague Letters (1, 2, 3, 4). Similarly, the Directorate for STEM Education released this Dear Colleague Letter, only a few days before the Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) released a Dear Colleague Letter of their own. 

EPSCoR Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (EPSCoR CREST Centers)

Goal: To support the growth of research capabilities at institutions by establishing centers that integrate education and research effectively within EPSCoR states.
Amount: $7.5 million during a five year period.
Deadline: December 6, 2024, July annually thereafter

2. NSF EPSCoR Programs

The NSF EPSCoR program has three funding mechanisms, the Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) program, Co-funding, and the Workshop Opportunities program. 

Research Infrastructure Improvement Program 

Focused EPSCoR Collaborations Program (FEC) (formerly Track 2)
Goal: To facilitate collaborations and emphasize the recruitment/development of early career faculty and STEM education and workforce development on the theme of building capacity towards use-inspired research. Project must involve investigators from two or more EPSCoR states. 
Amount/Duration: varies by number of collaborating states
   Two states: $1 million a year for up to 4 years 
   Three or more states: $1.5 million a year for up to 4 years. 
Deadline: Annually LOI in December, full proposal in January
FEC projects funded in New Mexico 

EPSCoR Research Fellows (formerly Track 4)
Goal: To support early- and mid-career investigators in EPSCoR states to develop collaborations at the nation’s private, government, or academic research institutions.
   - Similar to a CAREER award but it is only open to researchers in EPSCoR states. 
   - Features a NSF track and a NASA track 
Amount/Duration: $300k–$360k for two years.
Deadline: Annually in April
EPSCoR Research Fellows funded in New Mexico

NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) NEW!
Goal: To support EPSCoR states by providing funding to graduate degree-awarding institutions to recruit and host up to 20 graduate fellows who have received the distinction of NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention within the last three years. 
Amount/Duration: $477,000–$3,180,000 total for three years
Deadline: October 2024 and June 2025

EPSCoR Research Incubators for STEM Excellence (E-RISE)
Goal: To support the incubation of research teams and products in a scientific topical area that links to research priorities identified in the submitting state's approved Science and Technology Plan.
Amount/Duration: $7 million total/4-year period.
Deadline: Annually in August
E-RISE projects funded in New Mexico 

EPSCoR Collaborations for Optimizing Research Ecosystems Research Infrastructure Improvement Program (E-CORE)
Goal: To foster STEM research ecosystems and research capacity pathways across institution types and sectors in a state.
Amount/Duration: $8 million total/4-year period.
Deadline: Annually in July
E-CORE projects funded in New Mexico 

NSF EPSCoR Co-funding 

EPSCoR may co-fund proposals submitted to other NSF programs if the applicant is located in an EPSCoR state. The proposals selected for this funding have been merit reviewed and recommended for award, but could not be funded without the combined support of EPSCoR and the co-funding directorates. Researchers cannot apply directly for EPSCoR co-funding. However, proposals (1) to other NSF Directorates, (2) from EPSCoR researchers, and (3) which are recommended for funding, may be partly funded via this mechanism.
NSF EPSCoR Co-funding in New Mexico

NSF EPSCoR Workshop Opportunities (EPS-WO)

Goal: To fund multi-state efforts on themes of regional or national importance with relevance to the goals and mission of NSF and EPSCoR. 
Amount: Up to $200k
Link to program page
NSF EPSCoR Workshop Opportunities funded in New Mexico


Additional resources


Tags: Research