2024 Great List of Paid Summer Internships
12 minutes
Brittney Van Der Werff
Hey, New Mexico students! Don’t have time to go looking for summer internships? No problem, we’ve done it for you.
Undergraduate Students
New Mexico INBRE NISE-Summer Bootcamp Program
Who: This program is open to undergraduate students at all New Mexico or RAIN institutions except NMSU and UNM.
What: This paid 8-week program is designed for early-stage undergraduate students who have limited or no prior research experience. Students work in small teams to collect bacteria from soils, with the goal of identifying bacteria that produce potentially valuable antimicrobial compounds, and chemically characterizing those compounds. This is critically important research; many bacterial infections are resistant to current antimicrobial compounds, and we need new treatments to treat infections. Accepted students receive summer housing on the NMSU main campus. Students will participate in NM-INBRE professional development activities throughout the summer (in-person or remotely), and will present their research results at the NM-INBRE symposium at the end of the summer. This is a full-time research experience.
When: June 5–August 1, 2024
Where: NMSU campus in Las Cruces, NM
Benefits: Students are compensated $18 an hour for their participation, and housing at NMSU campus.
Application Deadline: February 1 (best consideration), March 15 (final)
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New Mexico INBRE NISE-Internship Program
Who: This program is open to undergraduate students at all New Mexico or RAIN institutions except NMSU and UNM.
What: This paid 8-week program allows students to carry out mentored research at either their home institution, UNM or NMSU. Students will work with a mentor on a specific research project. In addition to the mentored research, students will participate in NM-INBRE professional development activities throughout the summer (in-person or remotely), and will present their research results at the NM-INBRE symposium at the end of the summer. This is a full-time research experience.
When: June 5–August 1, 2024
Where: Eligibility is dependent on the type of internship you are applying for.
Internship at Home Institutions
Students enrolled in the following schools can take part in summer internships and remain at their respective institutions.
- Eastern New Mexico University
- New Mexico Highlands University
- New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
- Northern New Mexico College
- San Juan College
- Internships at New Mexico State University and University of New Mexico
This program is open to continuing undergraduate students at all New Mexico or RAIN institutions except NMSU and UNM. Students will need to be enrolled as an undergraduate in the fall semester following the summer internship. Housing at NMSU and UNM will be provided as needed.
Benefits: Students are compensated $18 an hour for their participation
Application Deadline: February 1 (best consideration), March 15 (final)
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New Mexico INBRE NISE-Virtual Bioinformatics Program
Who: This program is open to undergraduate students at all New Mexico or RAIN institutions.
What: Undergraduate students interested in researching the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and other pandemics will be paid to engage virtually with scientists and bioinformaticians at the National Center for Genome Resources to develop critical-thinking, research and basic bioinformatics skills. Interested in digging into pandemics, both past and present? Together, we’ll explore a variety of resources to learn about pandemics from different angles, including the pathogens, the disease and society. We’ll teach you how to find and analyze pathogen genomes to detect variants and how they are changing over time. We’ll support you as you delve into past and present pandemics from 3 countries of your choosing to compare the course of their pandemics. This is a virtual workshop so you can do it from the comfort of your home (but don’t worry, we won’t be on zoom all day).
When: June 5–August 1, 2024
Where: Anywhere with internet
Benefits: Students are compensated $18 an hour for their participation
Application Deadline: February 1 (best consideration), March 15 (final)
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DOE: INTEREST Internships
Who: This program is open to undergraduate Juniors and Seniors at all New Mexico institutions.
What: The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) is pleased to announce its inaugural Summer Internship Program for rising Juniors and Seniors at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in the Summer of 2024. All institutions in New Mexico are considered MSIs. Known as Inspiring New Transformations in Energy Research by Emerging Scientists and Technologists (INTEREST), this paid internship program seeks to connect talented STEM majors at MSIs with active ARPA-E Performers to assist ARPA-E-funded projects and provide students an opportunity to collaborate and contribute to high-profile, high-impact next generation energy technology development and R&D. INTEREST internships will be hosted at the sites of active ARPA-E Performers or their Partners during Summer 2024.
Project Options:
#1: Supercritical CO2 based mining for carbon-negative critical mineral recovery. Richland, WA
#2: Green light emitting diodes for the ultimate solid-state lighting. Urbana, IL
#3: Carbon-negative mining from gangue minerals enabled by energy-efficient electrosynthesis of acid and base. Baltimore, MD
#4: Highly efficient electrochemical oxide reduction for U/TRU recovery from LWR fuel. Chicago, IL
#5: An entirely wood floor system designed for carbon negativity, future adaptability, and end of life de/re/construction. Clemson, SC
#6: Two-step chloride volatility process for reprocessing nuclear fuel from advanced reactors. Provo, UT
#7: High capacity eletrolyzers based on ultrathin proton-conducting oxide membranes. New York City, NY
#8: Assessment of co-locating benefits of modular datacenters with indoor farms. Davis, CA
#9: Incorporating record-breaking catalysts in electrospun bipolar membranes for low-cost carbon capture via salt splitting. Golden, CO
#10: Reducing compressor station methane emissions through advanced lean combustion employing radical ignition and feed-forward cycle control. College Station, TX
When: Summer 2024
Where: Depends on project
Benefits: $1,000 a week stipend. Students will also be provided a housing stipend and a travel allowance
Application Deadline: February 12
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Research Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU) by CRA
Who: Applicants should be students who are pursuing an undergraduate degree at an institution in the U.S or its territories. Applicants should be interested in doing research in computing. International Students may apply, however most of the funds for the DREU program are restricted to US citizens and permanent residents, so the number of non-US student participants will be limited. Priority will be given to students who have completed two to three years in a CS or CE major by the program start date, however all applicants are considered. Additionally, priority will be given to persons from populations underrepresented in computing including women, Black/African American, Native American/Alaskan Native/ Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQAI+, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans.
What: The objective of the Computing Research Association (CRA) DREU program is to increase the number of persons from populations underrepresented in computing including women, Black/African American, Native American/Alaskan Native/ Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latinx, LGBTQAI+, Persons with Disabilities, and Veterans.
When: Flexible but a total of 10 weeks (40hrs/week) generally starting in May and ending in July
Where: Depends on location
Benefits: $7,000 stipend, up to $750 relocation budget when appropriate
Application Best Consideration Date: February 15, 2024
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Center for Advanced Energy Studies REU
Who: In order to participate (and receive payments/reimbursements), students must meet the following requirements:
- Students must be either a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or Permanent Resident of the U.S.
- Must be an undergraduate student enrolled in a degree program (part-time or full-time) leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree
- Have a Cumulative GPA of 2.8 or greater on a 4.0 scale
What: During the summer research experience, students will network with and learn from Idaho National Laboratory scientists, have opportunities to share their work with an active research community and co-author publications and presentations based on their research findings.
When: June 3–August 9, 2023
Where: Center for Advanced Energy Studies near Idaho Falls, ID
Benefits: $6,000 stipend. Housing and a meal per diem will also be provided. Travel allowances are also available to participants.
Application Best Consideration Date: March 4, 2024
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Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Emerging Issues in Cybersecurity
Who: US citizens or permanent residents enrolled full time at a college or university majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Computer Information Systems, or other closely related majors. Junior or senior academic standing preferred. 3.0 or better GPA with adequate knowledge of programming (C, C++, Python, Java, or MATLAB). Must be committed to working full time (40 hours per week) during the 10-week program. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.
What: The REU site is hosted jointly by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the New Mexico Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). The goals of this REU site include providing students experience in cutting edge research in cybersecurity, broadening participation in computing, motivating students to pursue graduate studies in computer science, and preparing the future cybersecurity workforce.
When: May 28–August 3, 2023 (10 weeks)
Where: Housing will be provided in on-campus New Mexico Tech dormitories.
Benefits: $7,000 stipend, plus a $1,400 food allowance, and up to $600 for travel costs to and from Socorro, NM
Application Best Consideration Date: February 23, 2024
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Quantum Undergraduate Research Experience at CHTM (QU-REACH)
- Applicants must be 18 years or older at the beginning of the program.
- Domestic and International students are welcome to apply.
- No specific background is required, but 1-3 years of undergraduate coursework in a physics, chemistry, math, or engineering major is preferred.
What: Quantum Technology harnesses the unique features of quantum mechanical systems for devices that hold the promise to revolutionize the fields of computing, communications, and sensing and deepen our understanding of the universe. QU-REACH leverages the longstanding and growing research infrastructure in Quantum Technology at UNM to provide New Mexico undergraduate students with an early hands-on research experience in Quantum Technology. Projects are available in a broad range of disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, etc.) related to the three cornerstones of Quantum Technology: Quantum Sensing, Quantum Communications, and Quantum Computing.
When: May 28–August 2, 2024
Where: University of New Mexico, Main Campus, Albuquerque
Benefits: $7,000 stipend. A limited number of housing stipends for students attending schools outside of the Albuquerque metro area will be available.
Application Best Consideration Date: March 1, 2024
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Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) Undergraduate Internships
For entering first-year students
- Acceptance into an undergraduate program and intent to enroll
For continuing students
- Full time status, 12 undergraduate credit hours per semester (or the equivalent of full-time enrollment).
Cumulative GPA of 3.0 on 4.0 scale. - Pass a new employment drug test: The Laboratory requires successful applicants to complete a new employment drug test and maintains a substance abuse policy that includes random drug testing.
What: The Undergraduate Student Internship Program (UGS) provides domestic and international students with relevant research experience while they are pursuing an undergraduate degree. Interns may work during the summer break or throughout the academic year. This program is designed to complement the students' education with work experience related to their chosen field of study. There are appointments in both the technical and professional fields.
When: Variable
Where: Los Alamos, NM
Benefits: See program page for the most up-to-date information on compensation
Application Deadlines: Variable
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Graduate Students
Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) Graduate Internships
Who: Graduate students who can:
- Provide documentation of acceptance into a graduate program.
- Enroll in and successfully complete a minimum of 6 graduate credit hours per semester (or the equivalent of full-time enrollment). All students MUST remain enrolled at their university while working at the Lab during the academic year. Note: Students must provide the program coordinator with current, official transcripts annually to remain eligible. See the Annual Transcript Review section for additional information.
- Have and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 on 4.0 scale. Note: Students must provide the program coordinator with current, official transcripts annually to remain eligible. See the Annual Transcript Review section for additional information.
- Pass a new employment drug test: The Laboratory requires successful applicants to complete a new employment drug test and maintains a substance abuse policy that includes random drug testing.
What: The Graduate Research Assistant Program (GRA) is a year-round internship program that provides domestic and international students with relevant research experience while they are pursuing a graduate degree. This educational program is designed to complement the students' education with work experience related to their chosen field of study. In some cases, students can arrange to conduct masters or doctoral thesis research at the Lab. There are appointments in both the technical and professional fields.
When: Variable
Where: Los Alamos, NM
Benefits: See program page for the most up-to-date information on compensation
Application Deadlines: Variable
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All Students
DOE: Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program (MEISPP)
Who: A candidate must: (1) Be at least 18 years of age; (2) Be a U.S. citizen; (3) Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; (4) Be enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year as a full-time degree-seeking student in a STEM program or other field that supports the DOE mission at an eligible Minority Serving Institution (MSI) OR have received a degree from an eligible MSI within the past two years. Almost all institutions in New Mexico are MSIs; (5) Be available to participate in the full 12-week program.
What: The MEISPP is designed to provide talented undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates with internships that introduce them to a variety of entry and mid-level research, technical and professional positions within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its national laboratories. Interns will help support the DOE mission of discovering solutions to power and secure America’s future.
When: May 20–August 9, 2024
Where: Various locations available
Benefits: Stipend – $50/week to $1,150/week depending on education level. Travel Reimbursement – Up to $1K. Housing – A housing supplement is also available to those who relocate over 50 miles from their current address. Commuting – A commuting supplement will also be provided.
Application Deadlines: February 15, 2024
Learn more and apply: program details page
NETL Professional Internship Summer Program
Who: Be an undergraduate or graduate student in good standing at a regionally accredited college/university, or a post-baccalaureate within two years of graduation. Have an overall minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0. Be at least 18 years of age at the time of appointment, provide proof of coverage under a health insurance plan prior to the beginning of the internship.
What: The Professional Internship Program is designed to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to the challenges of conducting energy research. It is an opportunity to network with world-class scientists using state-of-the-art equipment and to expand students’ knowledge in their field of study while exposing them to new areas of basic and applied research. Participants interact daily with assigned mentors who guide research activities during the internship. These research activities help transition classroom theory into hands-on experience, helping provide answers to today’s pressing scientific questions. Learn more about core research and development capabilities at NETL here.
When: Rolling. Term appointments range from two weeks to one year renewable up to four or five years.
Where: Various locations available
Benefits: Stipend – All internship programs provide a weekly stipend based upon academic classification and experience. Insurance – Insurance is a requirement for the Professional Internship Program. Inbound/Outbound Travel – Awards are made on a case-by-case basis. To qualify, your residence must be more than 50 miles from the laboratory. On-station Travel – Classified as travel during your appointment, on-station travel is designed to enhance your learning experience by promoting attendance at conferences, workshops, and other educational meetings. Awards are made on a case-by-case basis. Most short-term (e.g., summer) appointments do not qualify for on-station travel.
Application Deadlines: Application is always open, but for best results, apply by February 15 for summer appointments, June 1 for fall, and October 1 for spring appointments.
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Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Summer Internship
Who: U.S. students and international students who are attending a U.S. university may apply for internships or co-ops that do not require U.S. citizenship. However, applicants must be legally authorized to work in the United States.
What: SNL has technical and non-technical internships
When: Generally between academic terms
Where: Primarily in Albuquerque, NM and Livermore, CA
Benefits: Internships offer a lot of flexibility for students. Students can choose to participate in part-time internships during the academic semester so they can still take classes. They also have the option to work full-time in the summer when they are out of school without having to delay their graduation date. Internships are usually limited to one functional area within SNL.
Application Deadlines: Apply for an internship position at least three months prior to your desired start date.
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