Category: SMART Grid

UNM Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Meeko Oishi has had a busy year. In March she was chosen to participate in the highly-selective Defense Study Science Group sponsored by DARPA. Her collaborative work on light therapy and circadian rhythms is rocking the world of health sciences.
Presenter: Gary Oppedahl, Emera Technologies
Modeling and simulation tools are essential for researchers as they seek ways to integrate variable renewable sources of energy, like wind, into the electricity grid. Recently, NM SMART Grid Center graduate student, P. Christopher Scott, spent time as an extern at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to learn about power system simulation. The INL Power Systems team, including Dr. Mayank Panwar, mentored Scott as he built computer models in Simulink, ran them on an Opal-RT real-time digital simulator, and modeled and simulated a power system in the IEEE 14-bus system.
We are pleased to announce the 2019 NM EPSCoR Mentor Award winners—Dr. David Mitchell and Dr. Satyajayant (Jay) Misra. Both were nominated by mentees and demonstrated characteristics of excellent mentors, including strong professional and interpersonal relationships; working to advance their mentees’ academic, research, and professional goals; and creating inclusive environments for diverse students.
Presenters: Olga Lavrova, David Mitchell, Manel Martinez-Ramon, Ali Bidram, Anne Jakle
You probably have an “elevator pitch” to describe your research when you get the inevitable question, “So, what do you do?” That’s great when a non-scientist asks about your research in a casual conversation at a party. But, how prepared are you when you’re asked to do a presentation at a STEM conference for middle school girls, or when you need to design an outreach or broader impacts component for a grant proposal?
In August, Dr. Trilce Estrada, an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at UNM and a faculty member of the NM SMART Grid Center Decision-Support research team was awarded the 2019 ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing award.
Ever wonder what other team members of the NM SMART Grid Center are doing? You should. Take the work of Computer Science Assistant Professor Abdullah Mueen, Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Manel Martínez-Ramón, and their graduate students. Recently they developed techniques to forecast solar panel power generation in near real-time and with greater accuracy.
On May 17, people from over 20 New Mexico institutions of higher education, state government, industry, and non-profit organizations attended the Year 1 NM SMART Grid Center All Hands Meeting in Albuquerque. The nearly 100 attendees enjoyed a keynote address by the Chancellor of New Mexico State University, Dr. Dan Arvizu, who was previously the Director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and is considered to be one of the world’s leading experts on renewable and sustainable energy.
Clean and sustainable energy was a hot topic at the 2019 New Mexico Legislative Session. At least four bills and two memorials that passed are relevant to the NM SMART Grid Center research and associated education and workforce development components.