Reviving Interest in Indenofluorenes: A Novel Approach to Enhancing Optoelectronic Materials for Flexible Electronics

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John Owunebe Ehoche, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM Dr. Yan Juchao, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM

The surging demand for optoelectronic materials has ignited a renewed fascination with substances such as indenofluorenes, commonly utilized in organic light-emitting diodes. In the pursuit of addressing the deficiencies found in existing materials for flexible electronic devices, particularly organic solar cells, a new synthesis method for indenofluorene featuring a carbonyl functional group termination has been proposed. The integration of a carbonyl group onto the indenofluorene molecule not only facilitates time-resolved infrared measurements to investigate charge transport dynamics but also opens up new avenues for chemical modification and extended functionalization. The synthesis of this intriguing compound is achieved through a meticulous sequence involving Suzuki cross-coupling, bromination, and carbonylation. This poster presentation will delve into the synthesis process and provide comprehensive characterizations of this innovative compound.