Improving the Efficiency of Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Thermal short-circuiting is a potential problem for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). One solution to this problem is to reduce the permeability of very conductive fractures with porous polymers that bond to rock, reducing fluid flow without completely sealing the fracture. To deliver the polymers, thermally degradable microcapsules will carry them to the desired location, where the microcapsule ruptures to enable polymerization. This concept requires microcapsules to only travel in the larger, problematic fractures; consequently, understanding the movement and blockage of the microcapsules is critical. This study involved quantifying the movement and blockage of microcapsules in transparent rough-walled fracture replicas. Videos of fluorescent particles were taken through these fracture replicas where blocking and flow paths were visually captured. After the flow test, a light transmission test was done to quantify the aperture of the fracture network at a 0.21mm resolution. Image analysis was then performed to overlay the initial blockage with the light transmission result to determine where the initial blockage occurs. These analyses showed blockage occurs at aperture sizes ≤1.5x the microcapsule size. Gaining knowledge in the transport and blockage of microcapsules in geothermal fractures will advance the potential to modify their permeability and increase efficiency of EGS.