Bacterial Analysis of Wastewater Samples in Central New Mexico via 16s RNA Gene Sequencing

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James Quezada, Hannah Stockton, Aaron Torres'

In the modern era, no matter how far our technological advancements have come, there is still room to improve the methods of things that we take for granted, like water purification. Most of us receive purified water right from the faucet and into our drinking glass which is cleaner than any natural body of water besides wells. Even underground aquafers have their disadvantages and are subject to attack by one of the most common things found on our planet, bacteria. Improper or underdeveloped purification techniques can lead to wastewater which contains a concentration of bacteria that is released into the natural environment. Wastewater often mixes with the local acequias which are how most of the farmers in the surrounding areas water their crops. Our scope is to identify which bacteria are being released into the environment via this wastewater. (Dicks, L., Maas, M., & Perold, W. (2017).) Bacteria such as E. Coli are of concern due to the risk it poses via water exposure. E. Coli is of significance because it is the most common bacteria that can be found in wastewater and improperly treated water from a wastewater management facility. In addition to E. Coli, PCR analysis has been used to identify other viruses present in water samples such as NoV (norovirus), HAdV (Human Adenovirus), HAV (Hepatitis A), HSV1 (Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1) and coronavirus, specifically Sars-Cov-2. (Corpuz, M. V. A., Buonerba, et al. 2020). Any of these viruses can maintain their life in water, so it is important when surveying environmental samples to be on the lookout for any bacterial outbreaks in the water post analysis. Samples of both the water and soil were collected and then ran through a DNA isolation kit that utilized a series of columns to isolate our DNA. Once the DNA was isolated, it was quantified via a Quibit spectrometer to assess the yield of our DNA extraction. After the yield was quantified via a broad range DNA analysis, the samples were run through a Realtime q PCR device to amplify the 16 S gene in the present bacteria. After amplification via 16 S RNA sequencing, we were able to determine the bacterial communities that comprised our various samples.