
What is the goal? To provide opportunities for non-tenured investigators to develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation’s premier private, governmental, or academic research centers. Investigators from research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions in EPSCoR states (including NM) are eligible to apply. What’s new in 2021? Opportunities to work with NASA research facilities in addition to research sites in disciplines traditionally funded by NSF.
Hey, students! Don’t have time to go looking for summer internships? No problem, we’ve done it for you.   Undergraduates STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) by NM SMART Grid Center Who: Undergraduates students from New Mexico regional universities, community colleges and tribal colleges.
What could we discover with an instrument capable of recording, in minute detail, the movement of atoms during ultrafast chemical reactions?
What do you get when you combine topical COVID talks, ovarian cancer research, nearly 30 virtual posters in four categories, and over 250 attendees via Zoom? The 2020 New Mexico Research Symposium, hosted in collaboration with the New Mexico Academy of Science (NMAS)!  This year’s Research Symposium was held virtually November 9 to 13, 2020. The program was topical and hosted a variety of speakers, posters, and awardees honoring science, STEM, and research contributions in New Mexico. 
It’s time for me to say farewell to the New Mexico EPSCoR community and embark on new adventures. It has been a pleasure to work with you all and get to know many of you over the last five years. I hope you’ll provide a warm reception to Dr. Selena Connealy, who is the newly appointed Interim Associate Director for NM EPSCoR.