March 31, 2014

By the Numbers: 5 weeks – 1305 miles – 6 schools – 71 people

By the Numbers: 5 weeks

   2 minutes
By Chelsea Chee Blog Posts

I am the Diversity Outreach Specialist for NM EPSCoR. One of my tasks as Diversity Outreach Specialist is to recruit for our summer student research program, STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP), and faculty-student team modeling opportunity, Undergraduate Visualization Modeling Network (UVMN).

Happy Spring! Winter may have been long but it went by fast for me, especially toward the end. In the past five weeks, I traveled 1,305 miles, visited six schools, and met with 71 students, staff, and faculty. Take a look at the map below to follow my journey from the NM EPSCoR State Office (1312 Basehart Rd SE in Albuquerque) to the northern and southwestern parts of the State.

My goal for the trip was to spread news about the STEMAP and the UVMN opportunities to as many people as I could. At the end of it, when I got back to the State office, we received 43 applicants for STEMAP from 13 schools and 8 applications for UVMN from seven schools – what a success!

I was surprised at the great turnout of applications and would like to send out a huge thank you to those that applied and helped spread the word. We are now in the selection process so keep a look out for emails from us. Good luck to all those that applied and remember that both opportunities will be available next year.

Lastly, enjoy the warmer weather and longer sunshine!