Event Category: Education & Outreach

A Busy Week for Track 2

Natalie Willoughby
Last week was a busy one for the Western Consortium for Watershed Analysis, Visualization, and Exploration (WC-WAVE)! Along with the Tri-State Western Consortium Meeting at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, two different groups of WC-WAVE participants gathered in separate classrooms at the University of New Mexico for specialized training.

When, Why & Where Does the Public Learn Science

Selena Connealy

Have you ever wondered about what percentage of your life you spend in school? For those of us finishing up the last few weeks of the spring semester-- as a student, teacher or parent-- it probably feels like a huge number. But according to Dr. John Falk, the Sea Grant professor of Free-Choice Learning at Oregon State University, for the average American the answer is less than 5% of your waking hours are spent in school.

The National Geographic Great Energy Challenge

Natalie Willoughby
National Geographic is featuring the first topic in a three-part series on consumable resources, The Great Energy Challenge, to engage the public about energy awareness and resources. The Great Energy Challenge convenes and engages influential citizens and key energy stakeholders in solutions-based thinking and dialogue about our shared energy future. Learn more after the jump!

Fun with Aquatic Macrophytes!

Natalie Willoughby
Ever wondered about the importance of plants that grow in river beds? A NM EPSCoR video can help! This video features research from our previous grant, "Climate Change Impacts on New Mexico Mountain Sources of Water." You can learn more about this grant on our archived website, archive.nmepscor.org.

Water Journal Features Tri-State Modeling Class

Natalie Willoughby
The Journal for Contemporary Water Research and Education just released a special issue (Issue 152) dedicated to the Tri-State Interdisciplinary Modeling Class, part of the Western Consortium for Cyberinfrastructure Development grant. The journal includes articles and case studies by Sam Fernald (NMSU), José Rivera (UNM) and Carlos Ochoa (NMSU), all researchers under our previous New Mexico EPSCoR project. Sam Fernald is currently part of our Social & Natural Science Nexus component team.

Updates from Our Diversity Outreach Specialist

Chelsea Chee

Greetings and Happy New Year! First off I’d like to introduce myself. I am Chelsea Chee, the NM EPSCoR Diversity Outreach Specialist. I have spent many years working on and with tribal communities (mainly on the Navajo Nation and with young people) around climate change, global warming, and sustainability. So, I was attracted to NM EPSCoR’s work on renewable energy and goal of enhancing diversity. I am excited to be in this position and look forward to what else this opportunity will bring.

ASTC Annual Conference Brings Science Education to Albuquerque

Selena Connealy

You might have noticed that the science IQ in Albuquerque seemed a little bit higher in mid-October and that’s because more than 1,700 science museum professionals from 42 countries were in town for the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) Annual Conference. Local museum hosts Explora, National Museum of Nuclear History and Science, and New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science showcased New Mexico’s natural and cultural heritage in addition to our scientific and technological accomplishments.