A Reflection on the 2020 STEM Advancement Program
Like most things, our annual summer undergraduate research program, STEM Advancement Program (STEMAP) shifted due to COVID-19 for summer 2020. Instead of placing students on campus to gain in-person research experience, STEMAP moved online and focused on professional development in addition to an online research experience. The 8-week program paired students with a SMART Grid mentor and another student. Together, they focused on a smart grid-related topic that cumulated with online oral and poster presentations.
STEMAP supports students from higher education institutions, like 2- and 4-year colleges, across the state. The goal is to introduce students to research experience and opportunities in NM’s research institutions. The ultimate goal is to encourage baccalaureate degree completion and future graduate education. This summer's 12-student cohort was comprised of students from Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), Eastern New Mexico University (ENMU), Navajo Technical University (NTU), New Mexico State University-Carlsbad (NMSU-Carlsbad), Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI), and University of New Mexico-Los Alamos (UNM-LA). Students received a stipend and three credits from NMSU for their work and participation in STEMAP.
Each week was themed with corresponding activities, webinars, and skills on the topic which included "How to Conduct Research," "Team Science," and "How to Read an Academic Paper," to name a few. Additional weekly programming included webinars with NM SMART Grid Center and private industry professionals and students, a virtual Python Software Carpentry workshop, Statistics and Probability workshops, and various mentor-directed tasks. Needless to say, our STEMAP students were very busy this summer.
Thank you to all who helped make STEMAP 2020 successful, it truly takes a village.
STEMAP Organizers:
Laura Boucheron, NMSU
Selena Connealy, NM EPSCoR
Sara Patricolo, NMSU
Sara Pichette, NM EPSCoR
Technical Mentors:
Ali Bidram, UNM
Huiping Cao, NMSU
Tuan Le, NMSU
Jay Misra, NMSU
Roopa Vishwanathan, NMSU
Jun Zheng, NMT
Python Software Carpentry Instructors:
Karl Benedict, UNM
Nitin Bhandari, UNM
Rita Kuo, NMT
Mark Servilla, UNM
Jon Wheeler, UNM
Seminar Speakers and Presenters:
Ada Ramoko, NMSU
Alex Marchi, LANL
Anne Jakle, NM EPSCoR
Ansel Blumenthal, UNM
Bill Gannon, UNM
Bill Kipnis, Siemens
Binod Poudel, UNM
Brittney Van Der Werff, NM EPSCoR
Chelsea Lester, NMSU
David Irvin, NMSU
David Mitchell, NMSU
Dimitrios Sikeridis, UNM
Heather Tylka, WSMR
Jacqueline Waite, NM EMNRD
Jesse Kaczmarski, UNM
Karen Sanchez, Exxon Mobil
Laura Tabor, NM EMNRD
Marcello Pomponi, Siemens
Rudy Montoya, UNM
Rusty Nail, NMSU
Tony Garcia, NMSU
Stay tuned! Applications for next year’s STEM Advancement Program will open early 2021.