Webinar for Dear Colleague Letter: Towards an Equitable National Cyberinfrastructure
Date / Time
August 27, 2021 / 12:00-1:00pmLocation
Subrata Acharya, acharyas@nsf.gov
Timothy M. VanReken, tvanreke@nsf.gov, OD/OIA/EPSCoR
Kevin L. Thompson, kthompso@nsf.gov, CISE/OAC/CC*
It gives us great pleasure to announce the publication of an exciting new Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) 21-108 https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21108/nsf21108.jsp from NSF’s EPSCoR Office and CISE/OAC discussing CC* as a funding opportunity available to EPSCoR institutions. Through this DCL, OAC and EPSCoR in OIA are specifically inviting proposal submissions to CC* to address the disparities in campus-level networking and cyberinfrastructure that exacerbated the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in some areas of the country.
We encourage you to distribute this announcement within your communities, projects, and jurisdictions. Specifically, please share with colleagues involved in institutional cyberinfrastructure and with leadership of PUIs and MSIs in your respective jurisdictions. As an additional resource you can refer to The Quilt (https://www.thequilt.net/), a national coalition of non-profit U.S. regional research and education networks committed to innovation and advancement of purpose-built networks that empower public service missions.
We will be hosting a webinar via Zoom on Friday, August 27, 2pm EST to communicate on the CC* solicitation funding opportunity as part of the DCL. See virtual meeting details below:
Friday, August 27, 2021, 2pm, EST
Meeting ID: 160 5872 5289
Passcode: 468960
Please note that the deadline for the proposal submission is October 11, 2021, 5pm (submitter’s local time), and we strongly encourage you to reach out to us on questions on your proposal preparation and submission.