Category: Workforce Development

GCCE is excited to announce the launch of their newest initiative: Creative-Startups, the first startup accelerator in the US designed by and for creative entrepreneurs. Creative and cultural entrepreneurs, with backgrounds in music, education, film, cuisine, photography, art, design, and other creative fields have powerful business ideas and can build successful businesses.
Greetings and Happy New Year! First off I’d like to introduce myself. I am Chelsea Chee, the NM EPSCoR Diversity Outreach Specialist. I have spent many years working on and with tribal communities (mainly on the Navajo Nation and with young people) around climate change, global warming, and sustainability. So, I was attracted to NM EPSCoR’s work on renewable energy and goal of enhancing diversity. I am excited to be in this position and look forward to what else this opportunity will bring.
Phyllis Baca, New Mexico EPSCoR partner and component lead on both Workforce Development and Diversity, was recently honored with the Seventh Annual IMPACT! Award by the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering (NMNWSE) and the New Mexico Commissions on the Status of Women. The IMPACT!
Our friends and partners over at Nevada EPSCoR have finished and posted a video about the Western Consortium Track 2 accomplishments and impacts with regards to connectivity between research institutions in New Mexico, Idaho, and Nevada. The video features our very own Associate Director Mary Jo Daniel, as well as Alice Loy of the Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship. Check out the video below!
As many already know, it takes a lot of planning to achieve the NSF EPSCoR goal of improving the R&D competitiveness of researchers and institutions within EPSCoR jurisdictions, and NM EPSCoR is no exception. Team leaders, State Committee members, and NM EPSCoR staff and participants are gathering today and tomorrow at the UNM Science and Technology park for a 2-day Strategic Planning Retreat, facilitated by New Mexico First.
A new $20 mil­lion Exper­i­men­tal Pro­gram to Stim­u­late Com­pet­i­tive Research (EPSCoR) grant from the National Sci­ence Foun­da­tion will sup­port key research into ways to make New Mex­ico an energy suf­fi­cient state. The research will focus on ways to improve effi­ciency of sus­tain­able energy resource uti­liza­tion and to min­i­mize envi­ron­men­tal impacts of ura­nium min­ing and oil and gas production.