Category: NM STEM

Topic: Finding and Responding to Call Description: Learn more about important details not to overlook in your submission Speaker(s): Erika Camacho, NSF HSI Program Director
Topic: Open Session for Discussion Description: Bring your questions to an open mic session Speaker(s): NSF HSI Hub
Topic: Key Personnel & Letters of Commitment Description: Join us to discuss organizing an ALL STAR Team and how to document commitments from collaborators Speaker(s): Martha Desmond, New Mexico State University Delia Valles, New Mexico State University
Topic: Development Research Questions Description: Learn more about developing research questions suitable for your STEM education proposal Speaker(s): Alexis Racelis, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Sudarshan Kurwadkar, California State University-Fullerton
Topic: Framing Student Success Description: Participate in discussions related to crafting the argument for a STEM education proposal. Speaker(s): Virginia White, Riverside City College Alex Racelis, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
We're taking the SciTS Conference experience online, with a robust four-day program featuring Excellence in Studying, Teaching, and Practicing Team Science. SciTS 2020 will (virtually) bring together team science practitioners, scholars, and providers from a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration and transdisciplinary science. Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Anyone interested in improving collaborative research and discovery is welcome!
Topic: Insights from Recent HSI Awardees Description: Listen to advice from recent NSF HSI Awardee for submitting a successful proposal Speaker(s): Antonio Garcia, New Mexico State University Matthew Cover, California State University-Stanislausr
Please join us to hear directly from one of Oracle’s VP and CISO for Customer Services, Brennan Baybeck, on how security can accelerate digital transformation and why security should be at the forefront of every organization’s planning, logistics and vision moving forward. Register here!
Topic: Finding and Responding to the NSF Call for Proposals Description: Learn more about important details not to overlook in your submission. Speaker(s): Ellen Carpenter, NSF HSI Program Director
This public webinar will examine the innovation occurring with grid modernization, including physical infrastructure, grid management software, and efforts by all actors to increase the resilience and security of the grid. Sarah Ladislaw (CSIS) will provide opening remarks, followed by a moderated discussion with Juan Torres (NREL), congressional staff, and private sector representatives on various grid modernization initiatives and explain how each fits within the innovation chain, from basic science to commercialization and deployment.