Category: NM EPSCoR

The Early Career Leadership Workshop is an innovative three-day intensive, residential program designed to enhance the professional skills of early career faculty and post-doctoral scholars in STEM disciplines. The interactive workshop will train attendees in meeting facilitation and leadership, proposal writing, incorporating broader impacts into research, communicating science to the media, effective teaching in higher education, data management, and mentoring students. Read more about the workshop here
Library Carpentry is made by people working in library- and information-related roles to help you:
Presenter: George "Rusty" Nail, Graduate Research Assistant at NMSU
Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.
NM SMART Grid Center all hands meeting will be held on May 6, 2021 from 8:00am to 4:15pm. Registration is now open.
Presenter: Dr. Claus Danielson, Assistant Professor, UNM Department of Mechanical Engineering
Students you're invited to participate in a (free) #BetterPoster science communication workshop and poster competition, sponsored by the NSF EPSCoR EOD Council and the EPSCoR/IDeA Foundation. It's on February 18th from 3PM - 6PM CST, attendees will sign up for 30-minute time slots. Participants will receive individual consultation to either modify an existing research poster or create a new one in the #BetterPoster format. The finished product will be entered in a competition to win Visa gift cards and be featured on social media.
Interact with SMART Grid colleagues, make new connections, answer trivia questions, and win prizes! Join us for SMART Networking where you can catch up and talk shop with SMART Grid students, faculty, and researchers in a fun and interactive Zoom call. Opportunities over the hour include small group networking, a SMART Grid related trivia contest, and chance to win prizes. This event is BYOD- Bring Your Own Device and Drinks. Hope to see you there!
This program will present research-based communication strategies through a series of professional learning workshops focused on building skills to effectively engage public audiences, non-scientists, and professional colleagues. Update: 2.2.2021 - Workshop is now full.
Infrastructure Seed Awards Click here to read the full Seed Award Call For Proposals