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Event Category: NM STEM

Science of Team Science (Virtual) Conference

We're taking the SciTS Conference experience online, with a robust four-day program featuring Excellence in Studying, Teaching, and Practicing Team Science.

SciTS 2020 will (virtually) bring together team science practitioners, scholars, and providers from a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration and transdisciplinary science. Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Anyone interested in improving collaborative research and discovery is welcome!

Grid Modernization Webinar

This public webinar will examine the innovation occurring with grid modernization, including physical infrastructure, grid management software, and efforts by all actors to increase the resilience and security of the grid. Sarah Ladislaw (CSIS) will provide opening remarks, followed by a moderated discussion with Juan Torres (NREL), congressional staff, and private sector representatives on various grid modernization initiatives and explain how each fits within the innovation chain, from basic science to commercialization and deployment.