NM EPSCoR Events

Event Category: NM EPSCoR

2019 NM EPSCoR Mentor Award

2019-05-24T08:00:00 - 2019-05-24T17:00:00

NM EPSCoR is seeking nominations for the NM EPSCoR Mentor Award which recognizes NM SMART Grid team members who demonstrate excellence in supporting students’ academic, research, and career endeavors, and in creating inclusive environments for all students. The deadline for undergraduate or graduate students to nominate their mentors is May 24, 2019.

Click here to nominate an excellent mentor!

2019 NM Science Fiesta

2019-06-22T11:00:00 - 2019-06-27T17:00:00

The NM Science Fiesta is a week-long celebration of science for children and adults. Events invite you to explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math and the vital roles they play in our everyday lives. NM Science Fiesta EXPO on June 22 is one of New Mexico’s biggest interactive science events, FREE to the public, open to adults, families, and children of all ages and interests. The EXPO inspires curiosity, creativity, and innovation with more than 70 interactive booths, mind-blowing demos, and performances! Meet scientists, engineers, artists, and other STEM professionals.