NM EPSCoR Events

Event Category: NM EPSCoR

EPSCoR Track 1 Topical Session: Biosciences

The session will provide a brief background of the NSF EPSCoR Track 1 program and an overview of the Biosciences topic. Participants will have the opportunity to explore white paper ideas with potential collaborators. Please attend an informational session on November 30 or December 1 in advance of this topical session. All registrants will receive a copy of the slides and a link to the recorded session after the event takes place.

EPSCoR Track 1 Topical Session: Intelligent Manufacturing

The session will provide a brief background of the NSF EPSCoR Track 1 program and an overview of the Intelligent Manufacturing topic. Participants will have the opportunity to explore white paper ideas with potential collaborators. Please attend an informational session on November 30 or December 1 in advance of this topical session. All registrants will receive a copy of the slides and a link to the recorded session.

EPSCoR Track 1 Informational Session: UNM

Developing the Next NSF New Mexico EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 Proposal (5-years, $20M)

The session will provide background about NSF EPSCoR and the RII Track 1 Program, describe the proposal development process and the timeline, provide guidelines for the white papers, and cover the choice of Track 1 themes and next steps with respect to forming thematic teams across New Mexico’s research universities and other relevant regional universities and colleges.

EPSCoR Track 1 Informational Session: NMSU

Developing the Next NSF New Mexico EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 Proposal (5-years, $20M)

The session will provide background about NSF EPSCoR and the RII Track 1 Program, describe the proposal development process and the timeline, provide guidelines for the white papers, and cover the choice of Track 1 themes and next steps with respect to forming thematic teams across New Mexico’s research universities and other relevant regional universities and colleges.

EPSCoR Track 1 Informational Session: NMT

Developing the Next NSF New Mexico EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track 1 Proposal (5-years, $20M)

The session will provide background about NSF EPSCoR and the RII Track 1 Program, describe the proposal development process and the timeline, provide guidelines for the white papers, and cover the choice of Track 1 themes and next steps with respect to forming thematic teams across New Mexico’s research universities and other relevant regional universities and colleges.

NMRS Virtual Poster Session

Virtual poster session featuring the research of undergraduate and graduate students from across New Mexico. Posters will be available starting at 9 am on Tuesday, November 10.

Registered participants will be able to cast their vote for this year’s “People’s Choice” poster award beginning at 9:00 am Tuesday November 10th and ending at noon on Thursday November 12th. Details on how to vote will be emailed to you on Tuesday morning.

Virtual Poster Session Information:

New Mexico Research Symposium 2020 Awards Ceremony and Closing Keynote

This session will recognize excellence in science in New Mexico. Symposium poster winners will be announced.

NMAS Outstanding Contributions to Science in NM
Angela Wandinger-Ness, PhD

NMAS Outstanding NM Science Teachers
Sponsored by American Chemical Society, Central NM Section
Eva Abeyta, Los Alamos Online Learning Academy, Los Alamos
Lena Eddings, La Cueva H.S., Albuquerque

NM EPSCoR Poster Awards

2020 NMRS Virtual Conference SMART Grid Center Seminar

The NM SMART Grid Center supports interdisciplinary research on next-generation electric power production and delivery through creation of a Sustainable, Modular, Adaptive, Resilient, and Transactive (SMART) electric grid. During this seminar, four graduate students will present their research on a range of topics.

Read more about this event and the NMRS virtual conference