Event Category: STEM

DataONE Webinar Series: A story of data won, data lost and data re-found

2019-01-08T10:00:00 - 2019-01-08T11:00:00

A story of data won, data lost and data re-found: the realities of ecological data preservation

Successful maintenance and accessibility of ecological data enables comprehension of the nature and causes of ecosystem change and makes informed action possible. However, much valuable data are not in institutional hands, and there are many pitfalls of non-institutional ecological data conservation. Interruptions to custodianship, outdated media, lost knowledge and the continuous evolution of species names makes conservation of such data challenging.

Computer Science Education Week

2018-12-03T14:30:00 - 2018-12-08T14:30:00

Hour of Code™ events at Explora for children and adults: Join this fun introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and help you learn the basics!

Included with regular admission (range $4-8); Explora members, free. Explora, 1701 Mountain Rd NW, 505-224-8300, www.explora.us

Offered, twice: Come to one or both!
Monday, December 3, 2:30-4:30pm,
Saturday, December 8, 1:30-2:30pm.

DataONE Webinar Series: Improving access to data

2018-11-13T10:00:00 - 2018-11-13T11:00:00

Improving access to data through a standardized language

Finding data can be hard and a common solution to this problem has been to create search portals. However, finding these search portals is often challenging. DataONE partially addresses this problem by providing a unified search portal over its member repositories' holdings (many with their own search portals). But it remains a problem to find DataONE's search portal in the first place.