Event Category: STEM

Grid Modernization Webinar

This public webinar will examine the innovation occurring with grid modernization, including physical infrastructure, grid management software, and efforts by all actors to increase the resilience and security of the grid. Sarah Ladislaw (CSIS) will provide opening remarks, followed by a moderated discussion with Juan Torres (NREL), congressional staff, and private sector representatives on various grid modernization initiatives and explain how each fits within the innovation chain, from basic science to commercialization and deployment.

Computer Science PD Week for K-12 Teachers

Organized by Computer Science Alliance and delivered by a variety of experienced facilitators, we will run the PD to allow for our new reality of social distancing by doing it via remote learning platforms. We will still spend June 1-5, 2020 with other educators and CS professionals to learn more about CS and a range of fantastic opportunities to integrate CS into any and all content areas and grade levels OR to offer CS courses, clubs, and after school programs for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Rio Rancho Public Library Teen Cafe: The Smart Microgrid

Not too long ago, power failures were catastrophic events that would disrupt thousands of families, businesses, and city/state infrastructure. Rudy is a mechanical engineer working to change the structure of today’s electrical grid system to intelligently manage power changes, incorporate sustainable energy, and to increase the efficiency of the current grid. In this Café, you can interact with a 3D model of the SMART Microgrid, play with electromagnets, and create electrical circuits.

Albuquerque Public Library Teen Cafe: The Smart Microgrid

Not too long ago, power failures were catastrophic events that would disrupt thousands of families, businesses, and city/state infrastructure. Rudy is a mechanical engineer working to change the structure of today’s electrical grid system to intelligently manage power changes, incorporate sustainable energy, and to increase the efficiency of the current grid. In this Café, you can interact with a 3D model of the SMART Microgrid, play with electromagnets, and create electrical circuits.

¡Explora! Teen Science Cafe: The Smart Microgrid

Not too long ago, power failures were catastrophic events that would disrupt thousands of families, businesses, and city/state infrastructure. Rudy is a mechanical engineer working to change the structure of today’s electrical grid system to intelligently manage power changes, incorporate sustainable energy, and to increase the efficiency of the current grid. In this Café, you can interact with a 3D model of the SMART Microgrid, play with electromagnets, and create electrical circuits.