Event Category: SMART Grid

An EPSCoR Retrospective

William Michener

I will be retiring from EPSCoR and UNM on March 1st. Now is a good time to take a brief look back over the past roughly 15 years that I have served as Director of New Mexico EPSCoR and the 21 years that I have been at UNM. I joined UNM in 2000, the year that coincided with New Mexico officially becoming an EPSCoR state.

NM SMART Grid Center Project Highlights from Year 3

Every year the New Mexico SMART Grid Center submits three highlights from the previous project year to the National Science Foundation. This year's highlights recognize "DC Street" at NMSU, seed award results from NMT, and the Explora Science Communication Fellowship program. Below are overviews of what these outstanding project team members are working on - summarized in 250 words or less. 

Olga Lavrova, New Mexico State University